Services are tailored to address the individual needs of each patient and multiple modalities may be used within each treatment as appropriate.


Multiple modalities are available to support patients in all aspects of reproductive health, including puberty, fertility, birth support, postpartum support, and menopause. Each transition has its own unique needs and looks different for each individual. East Asian medicine is ideally suited for supporting these phases because it identifies the unique pattern that each patient is presenting with and then is able to treat that pattern with acupuncture, herbal medicine, manual therapies, and moxibustion.
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1x a week is typically recommended to help aid each phase of the menstrual cycle. As a general rule it takes about 3 months to really see major changes, as that is the time it takes for a primary follicle to become an antral follicle and acupuncture is helping to change the environment of the primary follicles leading to better egg quality.


When going through IVF and FET the Stener-Victorin protocol may be employed. This requires 5-7 treatments done in the time during stims and leading up to retrieval. During a FET another set of 5-7 treatments are recommended after the cycle starts and before embryo implantation. We recommend coming back in for treatment 1 week post transfer. With a successful transfer we would move forward w prenatal acupuncture treatments at 1x a week during the 1st trimester.
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The initial consultation begins with a comprehensive review of your health history, all the body systems, and the symptoms you are currently exhibiting. A diagnosis will be determined and a treatment will be given. This may include acupuncture and/or any of the modalities listed above. After the treatment we will discuss the treatment plan, which includes the frequency of treatments, and necessary dietary recommendations or herbal prescriptions.

$200 • 75 - 90 MINS


If there have been no major health changes, there is no need to do a comprehensive examination; though the treatment may change as your symptoms change.

It is best to book all treatments as soon as you have a prospective date to ensure your spot. For better results it is best to start acupuncture in the 3 months leading up to an egg retrieval.

$130 · 60 MINS


It's typically advised to come in during every phase of the cycle, so in order to make this more feasible, packages are recommended.
*Packages do not expire.

For more info on microneedling, click here. For more info on LED Light Therapy, click here.


5 acupuncture treatments + use of Celluma LED Light Therapy ($800 value)
(Celluma LED Light Therapy is great for fertility, pain, help to increase collagen production and smooth wrinkles, acne, or hair loss ($30).

5 sessions · $625 (Discounted further if paying in Cash)


10 acupuncture treatments + use of the Celluma LED Light Therapy + 1 Microneedling rejuvenation treatment ($1950 value)
Celluma LED Light Therapy is great for fertility, pain, help to increase collagen production and smooth wrinkles, acne, or hair loss ($30).
Microneedling helps resurface the skin, increase collagen and elastin, smooths out wrinkles and fine lines, your serums and creams will be 3000x more effective. It is safe for pregnancy and can be done 1x month. Its also beneficial for C-section scars and hair loss ($350).

10 sessions · $1300 (Discounted further if paying in cash)


This service is for new or existing patients who would like to have a treatment done before and after the embryo transfer on-site at your clinic (if your clinic allows outside acupuncturists). Multiple studies have shown that day of acupuncture treatment can lead to successful pregnancies.

We will meet at your clinic an hour before your scheduled transfer for the first treatment. A second treatment will be done directly after the embryo is implanted.

We cannot guarantee availability and it is best to inquire about this service as soon as you have a prospective date.
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$450 · 2.5 - 3 HOURS


c-section scar TREATMENT

This treatment involves the use of Celluma LED light therapy, manipulation, acupuncture, microneedling and cupping to reduce adhesions, increase mobility, and reduce pain. The benefits of this treatment are eliminating the c-section shelf, decreasing low back pain, improving core connection, decreasing sensitivity at the site, quicker healing from diastasis recti, and decreased bladder issues and painful sex if the cause is the uterus adhering to other tissues.

Light therapy can start immediately after surgery while other modalities may require the scar to heal first. Can also be done on old scars.

This is a special service, please specify when booking.
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$150 · 60 mins


How many treatments will you need?

This depends on the nature of the ailment, the severity, and how long it has been an issue. More acute complaints can be alleviated quickly, while chronic issues may take longer and the process may be slower.

Acupuncture is not a magic pill and you cannot expect an issue that you have had for many months, or even weeks to disappear with one treatment. Relief care tends to require 1-3 visits per week, corrective care is 1 visit every 7-10 days, and wellness care is 1 visit every 3-8 weeks.

If you feel good and symptoms aren’t resurfacing, acupuncture is recommended once every season as maintenance.

Is acupuncture safe?

Acupuncture needles are sterile, disposable, and extremely thin. They are FDA approved medical devices. A licensed acupuncturist has gone through a rigorous training program of over 3,000 hours.


Currently house calls are available for the LA and OC area only.
There is a $100 travel fee.